former eastern territories of germany中文什么意思

发音:   用"former eastern territories of germany"造句
  • former:    adj. 1.以前的,从前的。 2. ...
  • eastern:    adj. 1.东(方的);〔E-〕 ...
  • territory:    n. 1.领土,版图,领地。 2.地 ...
  • germany:    n. 德意志,德国。
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The former eastern territories of Germany () are those provinces or regions east of the current eastern border of Germany which were lost by Germany during and after the two world wars. These territories include the most of the Province of Posen and West Prussia (lost via the Treaty of Versailles following World War I) and East Prussia, Farther Pomerania, East Brandenburg, and Lower Silesia (lost in World War II); and other, smaller regions.


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